Welcome to the 4th cohort of Open Life Science program!

Niklas Morberg (CC BY-NC 2.0)

The OLS-4 program

Purpose: Training for early stage researchers and young leaders interested in furthering their Open Science skills

Outcome: Ambassadors for Open Science practice, training and education across multiple European and international bioinformatics communities.

Process: A 16-week mentoring & training program, based on the Mozilla Open Leader program, helping participants in becoming Open Science ambassadors by using three principles:

  1. Sharing essential knowledge required to create, lead, and sustain an Open Science project.
  2. Connecting members across different communities, backgrounds, and identities by creating space in this program for them to share their experiences and expertise.
  3. Empowering them to become effective Open Science ambassadors in their communities.

Table of content

  1. Goals and Learning Objectives
  2. Timeline
  3. Schedule
  4. Role Descriptions
    1. Project leads (aka Mentees)
    2. Mentors
      1. Pool of mentors
      2. Mentoring training
    3. Experts
      1. Speakers during cohort calls
    4. Organizers
      1. Hosts for calls
  5. Collaborators
    1. OLS-4 for EOSC-Life
    2. OLS-4 for Faculty of Applied Sciences/TNW - TU Delft
    3. OLS-4 for Turing
  6. Resources
    1. Calls
      1. Cohort calls
      2. Mentor-mentee calls
      3. Coworking calls
      4. Mentors calls
    2. Speaker Guide
    3. Communication channels
      1. Communication within the cohort members
        1. OLS-4 Slack Channel
        2. OLS-4 private Google group
      2. Communication with members not in the cohort
        1. Twitter
        2. Gitter
        3. OLS Google group
  7. Community Participation Guidelines
    1. Diversity Statement
    2. Reporting Issues
    3. Attribution & Acknowledgements

Goals and Learning Objectives

The vision of Open Life Science program is to strengthen Open Science skills for early stage researchers and young leaders in life science.

At the end of the program, our participants will be able to:

  • Describe and define the terms openness, open science, open leadership, community interactions, value exchanges, inclusivity, accessibility, open Science practices in developing resources and training
  • Learn how to apply those principles to open leadership and working open in their projects and communities . Learn how to collect, invite, and tell stories that demonstrate how and why openness benefits the communities they serve
  • Give original examples for the types of openness in science
  • Design
    • Illustrate the need for a project, its vision, and its goals
    • Embrace and communicate the benefits of Open Science and how to strategically apply different open practices to their work
    • Identify the public resources to share their data
    • Identify the different type of Open Access and associated journals
  • Build
    • Start any project with openness in mind from day one
    • Setup a project repository on GitHub using best practices for enabling collaboration
    • Choose and apply open licenses appropriately
  • Empower
    • Create and enforce a safe working environment
    • Promote the values of Open Science to empower others to lead and collaborate
    • Include a broad range of contributors in their work
    • Communicate their work and vision in a 2min demo of elevator pitch
  • Lead an open project in science


  • June 21, 2021: Call for Application opens on Open Review

    See the guidelines and templates

  • June 30, 2021: Application webinar( Talk + Q&A) - Notes with Zoom call link

    Watch recordings from previous webinars on YouTube

  • July 09, 2021: Application Clinic Call( Q&A) - Notes with Zoom call link

    At this call, OLS team will be available to provide help if you have any question related to your application

  • July 19, 2021: Open Review registration deadline

  • July 21, 2021: Call for applications closed

  • August 16, 2021: Successful applicants announced

  • September 13, 2021: Start of the program

  • January 17, 2022: End of the program


During the program,

Organizers will inform participants of the week schedule by email.

Subscribe to the OLS calendar

Week Call Date Topic Agenda
Week 01 (start. September 13, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   1st mentor-mentee meeting  
  Mentor September 16, 2021 (16:00 European Time) Mentor onboarding group 1  
  Mentor September 17, 2021 (10:00 European Time) Mentor onboarding group 2  
Week 02 (start. September 20, 2021) Cohort September 22, 2021 (13:30 European Time) Welcome to Open Life Science!  
  Mentor September 22, 2021 (18:00 European Time) Mentor Skill Workshop by 360 Training - Group 1  
  Mentor September 23, 2021 (10:00 European Time) Mentor Skill Workshop by 360 Training - Group 2  
Week 03 (start. September 27, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   2nd mentor-mentee meeting  
  Cohort September 29, 2021 (18:00 European Time) Welcome to Open Life Science!  
Week 04 (start. October 04, 2021) Cohort October 06, 2021 (18:00 European Time) Tooling and roadmapping for Open projects  
Week 05 (start. October 11, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   3rd mentor-mentee meeting  
  Skill-up October 13, 2021 (13:30 European Time) GitHub tutorial for beginners  
Week 06 (start. October 18, 2021) Cohort October 20, 2021 (13:30 European Time) Open Science I: Project Development and Introduction to Working Open  
Week 07 (start. October 25, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   4th mentor-mentee meeting  
  Q&A October 27, 2021 (18:00 European Time) Q&A call  
Week 08 (start. November 01, 2021) Cohort November 03, 2021 (18:00 European Time) Community design for inclusivity  
Week 09 (start. November 08, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   5th mentor-mentee meeting  
  Skill-up November 10, 2021 (13:30 European Time) Open Leadership: Academia, industry and beyond!  
Week 10 (start. November 15, 2021) Cohort November 17, 2021 (13:30 European Time) Open Science II: Knowledge Dissemination  
Week 11 (start. November 22, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   6th mentor-mentee meeting  
  Q&A November 24, 2021 (18:00 European Time) Q&A call  
Week 12 (start. November 29, 2021) Cohort December 01, 2021 (18:00 European Time) Diversity and Inclusion & Ally skills  
Week 13 (start. December 06, 2021) Mentor-Mentee   7th mentor-mentee meeting  
  Skill-up December 08, 2021 (13:30 European Time) Self-care & Social call  
Week 14 (start. December 13, 2021) Cohort December 15, 2021 (13:30 European Time) Open Science III: Next steps - applying FAIR research principles  
Week 15 (start. January 10, 2022) Mentor-Mentee   8th mentor-mentee meeting  
  Skill-up   Final presentation rehearsal - Group 1  
  Skill-up   Final presentation rehearsal - Group 2  
  Skill-up   Final presentation rehearsal - Group 3  
Week 16 (start. January 17, 2022) Cohort   Final presentations & Graduation! - Group 1  
  Cohort   Final presentations & Graduation! - Group 2  
  Cohort   Final presentations & Graduation! - Group 3  

Role Descriptions

Project leads (aka Mentees)

Participants join this program with a project that they either are already working on or want to develop during this program. More details about the role of a project lead (mentee) can be found here.


Our project leads are supported in this program by our mentor-community who are paired based on the compatibility of expertise, interests and requirements of their projects. Our mentors are Open Science practitioners and champions with previous experiences in training and mentoring. They are currently working in different professions in data science, publishing, community building, software development, clinical studies, industries, scientific training and IT services.

Mentors advise and inspire

  • Connect: to people, programs, companies
  • Recommend: resources, readings, classes, experiences
  • Feedback: for the project leads to consider

Pool of mentors

We thank the 36 persons who registered to be mentors in this round

The GitHub avatar of

Anthony Bretaudeau

Pronouns: He/him

Inrae , France

Galaxy, Gmod tools, Conda/biocontainers, Python/js web apps, Genome annotation, Training

More about Anthony

The GitHub avatar of

Alexandra Holinski

Pronouns: She/her

EMBL-EBI , United Kingdom

Scientific Education and Training, Course development, Course design, Course delivery, Methods of interactive delivery (face-to-face and virtual courses), Online training, Community building, Open Science, FAIR principles, Principles of FAIRification of (training) material, Protein Biochemistry

More about Alexandra

The GitHub avatar of

Anelda Van Der Walt

Pronouns: she/her

Talarify , South Africa

Open science, Community building, R, Global south, Open data, Capacity development;

More about Anelda

The GitHub avatar of

Anne Fouilloux

Pronouns: she/her

Nordic E-Infrastructure Collaboration (Neic), University Of Oslo, Norway. , Norway

Open science, Reproducible research, Fair software, Fair data

More about Anne

The GitHub avatar of

Arielle Bennett

Pronouns: she/her

The Alan Turing Institute , United Kingdom

Road mapping and strategy planning, Community consultation, Culture change, Code of conducts, Community goals, Drug discovery, Computational biology, Neuroscience.

More about Arielle

The GitHub avatar of

Beth Duckles

Pronouns: she, her

Insightful, Llc , United States

Social science, Qualitative research, Sustainability, Standards, Mixed methods, Post academics

More about Beth

The GitHub avatar of

Bérénice Batut

Pronouns: she/her

University of Freiburg , Germany

Galaxy, Galaxy training, Citizen science, Bioinformatics, High-throughput sequencing, Metagenomics, Wordpress, Jekyll, GitHub/GitLab Pages, Designing and developing training material, Collaborating with Git & GitHub/GitLab, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Publishing web content

More about Bérénice

The GitHub avatar of

Bruno Soares

Pronouns: He/Him

Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro , Brazil

SciComm, Community building, Open Data, Biodiversity

More about Bruno

The GitHub avatar of

Carly Monks

Pronouns: She/Her

University Of Western Australia , Australia

Ethical data sharing, Fair principles, Care principles

More about Carly

The GitHub avatar of

Delphine Lariviere

Pronouns: She/her

Penn State University , United States

Genomics, Epigenetics, Galaxy

More about Delphine

The GitHub avatar of

Sam Haynes

Pronouns: he/him

University of Edinburgh , Scotland

Transcriptomics, Bioinformatics, Open source, R Package Development, Reproducibility

More about Sam

The GitHub avatar of

Emily Lescak

Pronouns: she, her

Code For Science And Society , United States

Community building, Communication, Diversity, Inclusion, Event planning, Leadership, Research methods, Teaching

More about Emily

The GitHub avatar of

Emma Karoune

Pronouns: She/her

The Alan Turing Institute , United Kingdom

Environmental Archaeology, Palaeoecology, FAIR, Collaborative working, Open workflows, Reproducibility

More about Emma

The GitHub avatar of

Esther Plomp

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Delft University Of Technology - Faculty Of Applied Sciences , The Netherlands

Open protocols, Open data, Research data management, FAIR, Archaeology, Bioanthropology, Isotopes, Osteology

More about Esther

The GitHub avatar of

Fotis Psomopoulos

Pronouns: He/him

Institute Of Applied Biosciences, Centre For Research And Technology Hellas , Greece

Bioinformatics, Machine learning, Training, Open Science

More about Fotis

The GitHub avatar of

Gracielle Higino

Pronouns: She/her

University Of British Columbia , Canada

Reproducibility, Open data, Data management, Collaboration, Data synthesis, Science communication, Ecology, Biodiversity

More about Gracielle

The GitHub avatar of

Harpreet Singh

Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya Jalandhar , India

Bioinformatics, Molecular Modeling, Machine learning, R Programming

More about Harpreet

The GitHub avatar of

Hans-Rudolf Hotz


Friedrich Miescher Institute For Biomedical Research , Switzerland

Galaxy, Bioconductor, PostgreSQL, Bioinformatics, Next Generation Sequencing

More about Hans-Rudolf

The GitHub avatar of

Iratxe Puebla

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Asapbio , United Kingdom

Preprints, Science communication, Publishing, Peer review, Community engagement, Research integrity

More about Iratxe

The GitHub avatar of

Julien Colomb

Pronouns: he/his

Hu Berlin , Germany

Research data management, Open science, Scholarly communication, Neurosciences, Reproducible reports

More about Julien

The GitHub avatar of

Jessica Scheick

Pronouns: she/her

University Of New Hampshire , United States

Python, Github, Glaciology, Remote sensing, Icebergs, Climate change, Icesat-2, Icepyx, Hackweeks

More about Jessica

The GitHub avatar of

Lena Karvovskaya

Pronouns: she, her

Vu Amsterdam , The Netherlands

Linguistics, Language documentation, Typology, Semantics, Research data management

More about Lena

The GitHub avatar of

Kate Simpson

Pronouns: She/her

Imperial College London/ The Alan Turing Institute , United Kingdom

Open community development, Basic open science principles, Basic github skills, Energy, carbon and enironmental data for buildings

More about Kate

The GitHub avatar of

Lilly Winfree

Pronouns: she/her

Open Knowledge Foundation , United States

Project management, Open source, Open data, Open science, Data management, Project communications, Giving presentations, Writing documentation, Working with a distributed team, Neuroscience

More about Lilly

The GitHub avatar of

Markus Konkol


University Of Twente, Itc , The Netherlands

Open science, reproducibility

More about Markus

The GitHub avatar of

Martin Jones


Francis Crick Institute , United Kingdom


The GitHub avatar of

Meag Doherty

Pronouns: she/her

United States

Product strategy, Go to market, User research

More about Meag

The GitHub avatar of

Margaret Wanjiku

Pronouns: she/her

International Centre Of Insect Physiology And Ecology , Kenya

Community building, Bioinformatics

The GitHub avatar of

Alexander Martínez Méndez


La-Conga Physics - Universidad Industrial De Santander (Colombia) , Colombia

Science reproducibility

More about Alexander

The GitHub avatar of

Dario Pescini

Pronouns: he/him

University Of Milano-Bicocca , Italy

Systems biology, Computational biology, Systems simulation;

The GitHub avatar of

Piraveen Gopalasingam

Pronouns: he/him

Embl-Ebi (European Bioinformatics Institute) , United Kingdom

Education, Training, Course design, Course delivery, Science communication

More about Piraveen

The GitHub avatar of

Prash Suravajhala

Pronouns: He/Him

Bioclues.Org , India

Systems genomics, bioinformatics

More about Prash

The GitHub avatar of

Stephen Klusza

Pronouns: he/him/his

Clayton State University , United States

Life sciences, Genetics, Synthetic biology, Accessibility

More about Stephen

The GitHub avatar of

Dave Clements

Pronouns: he/him

Galaxy Project, Johns Hopkins University , United States

Community outreach, Training, Imposter Syndrome, Data analysis and integration

More about Dave

The GitHub avatar of

Renato Alves

Pronouns: he/him

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) , Germany

Full-stack developer, Computational Training, Reproducibility, Computational biology, Metagenomics, Meta-transcriptomics

More about Renato

The GitHub avatar of

Yvan Le Bras

Pronouns: He

French Museum Of Natural History , France

Ecology, Data management, Data analysis

More about Yvan

Mentors sorted by their expertise areas


Mentoring training

Mentorship roles can sound like a big personal responsibility and can be overwhelming for new mentors. To support our mentors in this program, we will offer training, topic-based guided discussions and opportunity for social interaction over 4 calls during the mentorship round:

  • 2 training calls in the beginning of the cohort to get participants trained and prepared for their role as mentors
  • 1 catch-up call in the middle of the cohort to discuss new topics and challenges that might have occurred and address them
  • 1 call at the end to capture experiences of mentors and assess their interest in future cohorts
  • Social and co-working calls schedule will be agreed among the mentors as per their needs and interests

In the mentor training, our mentors will then gain mentoring skills (active listening, effective questioning, giving feedback), learn to celebrate successes and gain confidence on navigating challenges in mentoring.

A dedicated slack channel will facilitate open discussions among mentors to help them discuss their experiences, challenges and tips and tricks (contact the team if you are not yet on this channel).


Experts are invited to join cohort calls or individual mentorship calls to share their experience and expertise during the program.

We thank the 46 persons who registered to be experts in this round.

The GitHub avatar of

Andrew Stewart

Pronouns: he/him

University Of Manchester , England

Open research, Reproducibility, Psychology

More about Andrew

The GitHub avatar of

Alexandra Holinski

Pronouns: She/her

EMBL-EBI , United Kingdom

Scientific Education and Training, Course development, Course design, Course delivery, Methods of interactive delivery (face-to-face and virtual courses), Online training, Community building, Open Science, FAIR principles, Principles of FAIRification of (training) material, Protein Biochemistry

More about Alexandra

The GitHub avatar of

Alex Chan

Pronouns: they/she

Wellcome Collection , United Kingdom

The GitHub avatar of

Anunya Opasawatchai

Pronouns: She, her

Mahidol University , Thailand

Immunology, Single-cell transcriptomics, Tropical disease, Human cell atlas, Interdisciplinery research

More about Anunya

The GitHub avatar of

Anne Fouilloux

Pronouns: she/her

Nordic E-Infrastructure Collaboration (Neic), University Of Oslo, Norway. , Norway

Open science, Reproducible research, Fair software, Fair data

More about Anne

The GitHub avatar of

Arielle Bennett

Pronouns: she/her

The Alan Turing Institute , United Kingdom

Road mapping and strategy planning, Community consultation, Culture change, Code of conducts, Community goals, Drug discovery, Computational biology, Neuroscience.

More about Arielle

The GitHub avatar of

Beth Duckles

Pronouns: she, her

Insightful, Llc , United States

Social science, Qualitative research, Sustainability, Standards, Mixed methods, Post academics

More about Beth

The GitHub avatar of

Bérénice Batut

Pronouns: she/her

University of Freiburg , Germany

Galaxy, Galaxy training, Citizen science, Bioinformatics, High-throughput sequencing, Metagenomics, Wordpress, Jekyll, GitHub/GitLab Pages, Designing and developing training material, Collaborating with Git & GitHub/GitLab, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Publishing web content

More about Bérénice

The GitHub avatar of

Bruno Soares

Pronouns: He/Him

Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro , Brazil

SciComm, Community building, Open Data, Biodiversity

More about Bruno

The GitHub avatar of

Reina Camacho Toro

Pronouns: She/her

Cnrs/Cern. Co-Coordinator Of La-Conga Physics , France

Open education, Science and education capacity building, Virtual research and learning communities, Scientific connections between developed and developing countries, Particle physics

More about Reina

The GitHub avatar of

Cooper Smout

Pronouns: He/him

Institute For Globally Distributed Open Research And Education , Australia

Cognitive neuroscience, Psychology, Metascience, Peer review, Open access, Collective action, Community building

More about Cooper

The GitHub avatar of

David Selassie Opoku

Hellofresh , Germany

Data literacy, Resource-constrained environments

The GitHub avatar of

Delphine Lariviere

Pronouns: She/her

Penn State University , United States

Genomics, Epigenetics, Galaxy

More about Delphine

The GitHub avatar of

Sam Haynes

Pronouns: he/him

University of Edinburgh , Scotland

Transcriptomics, Bioinformatics, Open source, R Package Development, Reproducibility

More about Sam

The GitHub avatar of

Simon Duerr

Pronouns: he/him

Epfl , Switzerland

Computational Chemistry, Biochemistry, Protein Design, Deep Learning

More about Simon

The GitHub avatar of

Emily Lescak

Pronouns: she, her

Code For Science And Society , United States

Community building, Communication, Diversity, Inclusion, Event planning, Leadership, Research methods, Teaching

More about Emily

The GitHub avatar of

Emma Karoune

Pronouns: She/her

The Alan Turing Institute , United Kingdom

Environmental Archaeology, Palaeoecology, FAIR, Collaborative working, Open workflows, Reproducibility

More about Emma

The GitHub avatar of

Emma Lawrence

Pronouns: She/hers

Ucl , United Kingdom


More about Emma

The GitHub avatar of

Esther Plomp

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Delft University Of Technology - Faculty Of Applied Sciences , The Netherlands

Open protocols, Open data, Research data management, FAIR, Archaeology, Bioanthropology, Isotopes, Osteology

More about Esther

The GitHub avatar of

Edward Wallace

Pronouns: he, him

School Of Biological Sciences, The University Of Edinburgh , United Kingdom

Gene expression, Rna, Yeast & fungi, Bioinformatics, Open science, Data literacy, Balancing open science with the rest of your career

More about Edward

The GitHub avatar of

Fotis Psomopoulos

Pronouns: He/him

Institute Of Applied Biosciences, Centre For Research And Technology Hellas , Greece

Bioinformatics, Machine learning, Training, Open Science

More about Fotis

The GitHub avatar of

Gracielle Higino

Pronouns: She/her

University Of British Columbia , Canada

Reproducibility, Open data, Data management, Collaboration, Data synthesis, Science communication, Ecology, Biodiversity

More about Gracielle

The GitHub avatar of

Hao Ye

Pronouns: he/him

University Of Florida , United States

Ecology, Health sciences, R, Git and github, Version control, Time series analysis, Research reproducibility, Community management, Ally skills training

More about Hao

The GitHub avatar of

Irene Ramos Pérez

Pronouns: she / her

National Commission For The Knowledge And Use Of Biodiversity (Conabio) , Mexico

Open data, Data management, Agrobiodiversity, Sustainability science, Inter and transdisciplinary research

More about Irene

The GitHub avatar of

Iratxe Puebla

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Asapbio , United Kingdom

Preprints, Science communication, Publishing, Peer review, Community engagement, Research integrity

More about Iratxe

The GitHub avatar of

Julien Colomb

Pronouns: he/his

Hu Berlin , Germany

Research data management, Open science, Scholarly communication, Neurosciences, Reproducible reports

More about Julien

The GitHub avatar of

Jessica Scheick

Pronouns: she/her

University Of New Hampshire , United States

Python, Github, Glaciology, Remote sensing, Icebergs, Climate change, Icesat-2, Icepyx, Hackweeks

More about Jessica

The GitHub avatar of

Jennifer Miller

United States

Logic models for program planning and evaluation, Teaching open science: an open syllabus from open education for a better world (oe4bw), Creating and using open educational resources: the 5rs

More about Jennifer

The GitHub avatar of

Joyce Kao

Pronouns: she/her

Open Innovation In Life Sciences Association , Switzerland

Web applications, App/software development, Conference organization, Virtual events, Community building, Evolutionary biology, Computational biology

More about Joyce

The GitHub avatar of

Kate Hertweck

Pronouns: perceived pronouns (anything works)

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative , United States

Open science, reproducible computational methods, training, community building, cancer biology, genomics, evolutionary biology

More about Kate

The GitHub avatar of

Lena Karvovskaya

Pronouns: she, her

Vu Amsterdam , The Netherlands

Linguistics, Language documentation, Typology, Semantics, Research data management

More about Lena

The GitHub avatar of

Katharina Kloppenborg

Pronouns: she/her

Center For Research & Interdisciplinarity (Cri) , France

User experience, User-centered/participatory design, Citizen science, Peer production, Illustration

More about Katharina

The GitHub avatar of

Kaitlin Stack Whitney

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Rochester Institute Of Technology , United States

Accessibility, Ableism, Openness without extraction

More about Kaitlin

The GitHub avatar of

Laura Carter

Pronouns: she/her

University Of Essex , United Kingdom

Human rights, Data usage in the public sector, Gender and stereotyping, Feminist and queer approaches to tech and data, Ethical and reflexive research methodologies, Equality, Anti-discrimination and justice

More about Laura

The GitHub avatar of

Lilly Winfree

Pronouns: she/her

Open Knowledge Foundation , United States

Project management, Open source, Open data, Open science, Data management, Project communications, Giving presentations, Writing documentation, Working with a distributed team, Neuroscience

More about Lilly

The GitHub avatar of

Markus Konkol


University Of Twente, Itc , The Netherlands

Open science, reproducibility

More about Markus

The GitHub avatar of

Meag Doherty

Pronouns: she/her

United States

Product strategy, Go to market, User research

More about Meag

The GitHub avatar of

Himanshu Garg

Pronouns: He / Him

Prepladder (Unacademy) , India

Machine learning, Open source, Software compliance, System design, Data patterns, User behaviour patterns, Python, Git

More about Himanshu

The GitHub avatar of

Alexander Martínez Méndez


La-Conga Physics - Universidad Industrial De Santander (Colombia) , Colombia

Science reproducibility

More about Alexander

The GitHub avatar of

Naomi Penfold

Pronouns: she/her/they/them

Science Practice, Uk , United Kingdom

Grantsmaking, Design thinking, Participatory research, Community building

More about Naomi

The GitHub avatar of

Giuseppe Profiti

Pronouns: He/him

Biodec S.R.L. , Italy

Bioinformatics, Software development, Devops, Teaching, Community, Wiki*, Databases, Carpentries, Research software, Reproducible science;

More about Giuseppe

The GitHub avatar of

Sara El-Gebali

Pronouns: she/her

Opencider , Sweden

Research data management, Open science, Fair principles, Computational inclusion, Digital equity, Life science, Curation

More about Sara

The GitHub avatar of

Stephen Klusza

Pronouns: he/him/his

Clayton State University , United States

Life sciences, Genetics, Synthetic biology, Accessibility

More about Stephen

The GitHub avatar of

Julieta Arancio

Pronouns: She/her

University Of Bath & Drexel University , United Kingdom

Open science hardware, Sti policy, Open educational resources

More about Julieta

The GitHub avatar of

Dave Clements

Pronouns: he/him

Galaxy Project, Johns Hopkins University , United States

Community outreach, Training, Imposter Syndrome, Data analysis and integration

More about Dave

The GitHub avatar of

Renato Alves

Pronouns: he/him

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) , Germany

Full-stack developer, Computational Training, Reproducibility, Computational biology, Metagenomics, Meta-transcriptomics

More about Renato

Experts sorted by their expertise areas

A dedicated slack channel will facilitate open discussions among experts and other participants in OLS-4 to help them expand their network while discussing relevant topics (contact the team if you are not yet on this channel).

Speakers during cohort calls

The GitHub avatar of

The GitHub avatar of

Alex Chan

Pronouns: they/she

Wellcome Collection , United Kingdom

The GitHub avatar of

Batool Almarzouq

Pronouns: She/Her

Kaimrc , Saudi Arabia

Open science, Ngs, Metagenomics

More about Batool

The GitHub avatar of

Bérénice Batut

Pronouns: she/her

University of Freiburg , Germany

Galaxy, Galaxy training, Citizen science, Bioinformatics, High-throughput sequencing, Metagenomics, Wordpress, Jekyll, GitHub/GitLab Pages, Designing and developing training material, Collaborating with Git & GitHub/GitLab, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Publishing web content

More about Bérénice

The GitHub avatar of

Emma Karoune

Pronouns: She/her

The Alan Turing Institute , United Kingdom

Environmental Archaeology, Palaeoecology, FAIR, Collaborative working, Open workflows, Reproducibility

More about Emma

The GitHub avatar of

Emmy Tsang

Pronouns: she/her

Delft University of Technology , The Netherlands

Community strategies, Open research

More about Emmy

The GitHub avatar of

Malvika Sharan

Pronouns: she/her

United Kingdom

Community building, Mentoring, Data Science best practices, Inclusive and collaborative practices, Python, Git, Unix, Bioinformatics, Algorithm design

More about Malvika

The GitHub avatar of

Sam Van Stroud

Ucl , United Kingdom

Data Science, GitHub, Software development, Python, Machine learning, Particle Physics

More about Sam

The GitHub avatar of

Sara El-Gebali

Pronouns: she/her

Opencider , Sweden

Research data management, Open science, Fair principles, Computational inclusion, Digital equity, Life science, Curation

More about Sara

The GitHub avatar of

Yo Yehudi

Pronouns: they/them

United Kingdom

Software development, Community building, Mentoring

More about Yo

The GitHub avatar of

Yvan Le Bras

Pronouns: He

French Museum Of Natural History , France

Ecology, Data management, Data analysis

More about Yvan


The GitHub avatar of

Bérénice Batut

Pronouns: she/her

University of Freiburg , Germany

Galaxy, Galaxy training, Citizen science, Bioinformatics, High-throughput sequencing, Metagenomics, Wordpress, Jekyll, GitHub/GitLab Pages, Designing and developing training material, Collaborating with Git & GitHub/GitLab, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Publishing web content

More about Bérénice

The GitHub avatar of

Emmy Tsang

Pronouns: she/her

Delft University of Technology , The Netherlands

Community strategies, Open research

More about Emmy

The GitHub avatar of

Malvika Sharan

Pronouns: she/her

United Kingdom

Community building, Mentoring, Data Science best practices, Inclusive and collaborative practices, Python, Git, Unix, Bioinformatics, Algorithm design

More about Malvika

The GitHub avatar of

Yo Yehudi

Pronouns: they/them

United Kingdom

Software development, Community building, Mentoring

More about Yo

Hosts for calls

The GitHub avatar of

Bérénice Batut

Pronouns: she/her

University of Freiburg , Germany

Galaxy, Galaxy training, Citizen science, Bioinformatics, High-throughput sequencing, Metagenomics, Wordpress, Jekyll, GitHub/GitLab Pages, Designing and developing training material, Collaborating with Git & GitHub/GitLab, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Publishing web content

More about Bérénice

The GitHub avatar of

Emma Karoune

Pronouns: She/her

The Alan Turing Institute , United Kingdom

Environmental Archaeology, Palaeoecology, FAIR, Collaborative working, Open workflows, Reproducibility

More about Emma

The GitHub avatar of

Emmy Tsang

Pronouns: she/her

Delft University of Technology , The Netherlands

Community strategies, Open research

More about Emmy

The GitHub avatar of

Malvika Sharan

Pronouns: she/her

United Kingdom

Community building, Mentoring, Data Science best practices, Inclusive and collaborative practices, Python, Git, Unix, Bioinformatics, Algorithm design

More about Malvika

The GitHub avatar of

Yo Yehudi

Pronouns: they/them

United Kingdom

Software development, Community building, Mentoring

More about Yo


OLS team have established the following collaborations to support organisation specific projects within the OLS-4 cohort:

OLS-4 for EOSC-Life

Open Life Science has received the EOSC-Life Training grant (first round), to train and mentor EOSC-RI members under the collaboration name OLS-4 for EOSC-Life. In the simplest terms, EOSC-Life is 13 European life science Research Infrastructures making their data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) so that researchers can combine resources from multiple RIs for new research funded through our Open Calls and receive support through the variety of additional services we offer, including alignment with relevant standards and policies (GDPR, etc.).

OLS-4 for Faculty of Applied Sciences/TNW - TU Delft

Under the collaboration name OLS-4 for TNW, Open Life Science has partnered with the Faculty of Applied Sciences through the Faculty Graduate School and the Data Steward, Dr. Esther Plomp at TU Delft. This partnership will offer training and mentoring to interested members from the Faculty of Applied Sciences to join the fourth cohort (OLS-4) individually or in teams. They will have an opportunity to develop Open Science aspects in the projects that they either already have been working on, or want to develop in the near future. Mentors will be preferably selected within their own discipline, as PhD candidates will be eligible for 5 Discipline-related credits for their Doctoral Education Programme.

OLS-4 for Turing

Under the collaboration name OLS-4 for Turing, Open Life Science has partnered with The Turing Way, a project within the Tools, Practices and Systems Research Program in The Alan Turing Institute. This partnership will offer training and mentoring to interested members from Turing and The Turing Way communities to join the third cohort (OLS-4) individually or in teams. They will have an opportunity to develop Open Science aspects in the projects that they either already have been working on, or want to develop in the near future. Mentors will be preferably selected from The Alan Turing Institute but there will be a possibility to match projects with the right mentor from the broader cohort. The roles and benefits for the participants and the eligibility of proposed projects will be as described for our main program.

This program will provide a unique opportunity to individuals and teams in these organisations to integrate best practices for open and reproducible research in new or ongoing projects.


The resources available to the OLS-4 cohort members will facilitate their communication, training, mentoring and learning process during their participation in the program.


Cohort calls

The full cohort meetings take place every 2 weeks (unless mentioned otherwise) and last for 90 minutes.

During these calls:

  • Organisers/hosts will introduce new topic of the week
  • Speakers will present their work related to the topic of the week
  • Participants will be given group discussion exercises
  • An open Q&A will be run and notes will be co-developed
  • Exercises will be given for the week to be completed before the mentee-mentor meeting

The calls will be hosted online using the Zoom web-conferencing option. A link for the calls will be shared for each meeting separately.

Look up the shared notes for each call linked to the schedule in this website. You will also be updated via email each week by the organisers with additional details to aid your participation.

If you can’t make it to a call:

The call will be recorded and available on the OLS YouTube channel after the call.

If you can not attend most calls during the program due to the time zone incompatibility or other personal obligation, please let the organisers know. If you are unable to communicate with your mentor regularly or do not engage in the program as planned, we may need to evaluate if you are able to finish the program.

Mentor-mentee calls

The Mentor-mentee calls take place every 2 weeks (unless mentioned otherwise) and last for 30 minutes.

During these calls:

  • Mentors help their mentees evaluate their understanding of the new topics
  • Mentees will complete their task assigned at the cohort calls using new skills learned that week
  • Mentors and mentee will review progress together where mentees provide constructive feedback
  • Mentors will connect mentees with other experts and get consulted on their project when needed

Coordinate with your mentor how you manage the notes and assignments for your 1:1 calls.

The online communication options can be agreed upon by the mentor-mentee pairs. A few options to explore are the following:

  • Zoom: 40 mins limit for each call
  • Google hangout: Free for members with google account
  • Skype: Free, download the app
  • Whereby.com: Free option, valid upto 4 participants
  • Jitsi: Free, open source web-based call is possible
  • Whatsapp or other phone-based calls: Only if both mentor and mentee are comfortable with exchanging numbers

If a mentor has to miss a mentee-mentor meeting, please discuss it with your mentee and reschedule your call. If you are unable to make it to any slot together, please find other ways (asynchronous documentation) to interact with your mentee.

If a mentor has to step back from the program for any reason, please communicate with the organisers to identify an alternative for their mentees.

Coworking calls

The coworking sessions take place in weeks during which there is not cohort call. These calls are optional but highly valuable for enhancing your understanding of the materials discussed in OLS-4 with the help of other participants.

During these calls,

  • Participants can work together on the assignments
  • Participants connect and talk about their projects

The calls will be hosted online using the Zoom web-conferencing option. A link for the calls will be shared for each meeting separately.

Mentors calls

4 mentor calls will take place during the program.

The calls will be hosted online using the Zoom web-conferencing option. A link for the calls will be shared for each meeting separately.

Speaker Guide

We have a short guide for invited speakers.

Communication channels

Communication within the cohort members

OLS-4 Slack Channel

A dedicated Slack channel has been setup to facilitate real-time as well as asynchronous communication among the all members of the OLS-4 cohort. A personal invitation link will be shared with the participants via an email.

OLS-4 private Google group

Organizers inform participants of the week schedule by email. An archive of all emails can be found on the private OLS-4 Google group.

An invitation is sent to all participants (mentees, mentors, etc) at the beginning of the program. If it is not the case, please contact the team

Communication with members not in the cohort


General updates from the program such as new posts, collaborations and relevant retweets will be shared via our official Twitter channel.


We have a public Gitter channel that can be used by members of the public contact the OLS team and community.

OLS Google group

Updates regarding new calls for applications, announcements, and final project presentations are posted on the OLS public Google group

Community Participation Guidelines

As a community we welcome everyone, and encourage a friendly and positive environment.

This code of conduct outlines our expectations for participants within the community, as well as steps to reporting unacceptable behavior. We are committed to providing a welcoming and inspiring community for all and expect our code of conduct to be honored. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be banned from the community.

Our open source community strives to:

  • Be friendly and patient.

  • Be welcoming: We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, colour, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.

  • Be considerate: Your work will be used by other people, and you in turn will depend on the work of others. Any decision you take will affect users and colleagues, and you should take those consequences into account when making decisions. Remember that we’re a world-wide community, so you might not be communicating in someone else’s primary language.

  • Be respectful: Not all of us will agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It’s important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one.

  • Be careful in the words that we choose: We are a community of professionals, and we conduct ourselves professionally. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other participants. Harassment and other exclusionary behavior aren’t acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to: Violent threats or language directed against another person, Discriminatory jokes and language, Posting sexually explicit or violent material, Posting (or threatening to post) other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”), Personal insults, especially those using racist or sexist terms, Unwelcome sexual attention, Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior, Repeated harassment of others. In general, if someone asks you to stop, then stop.

  • Try to understand why we disagree: Disagreements, both social and technical, happen all the time. It is important that we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively. Remember that we’re different. Diversity contributes to the strength of our community, which is composed of people from a wide range of backgrounds. Different people have different perspectives on issues. Being unable to understand why someone holds a viewpoint doesn’t mean that they’re wrong. Don’t forget that it is human to err and blaming each other doesn’t get us anywhere. Instead, focus on helping to resolve issues and learning from mistakes.

Diversity Statement

We encourage everyone to participate and are committed to building a community for all. Although we will fail at times, we seek to treat everyone both as fairly and equally as possible. Whenever a participant has made a mistake, we expect them to take responsibility for it. If someone has been harmed or offended, it is our responsibility to listen carefully and respectfully, and do our best to right the wrong.

Although this list cannot be exhaustive, we explicitly honor diversity in age, gender, gender identity or expression, culture, ethnicity, language, national origin, political beliefs, profession, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and technical ability. We will not tolerate discrimination based on any of the protected characteristics above, including participants with disabilities.

Reporting Issues

If you experience or witness unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please report it by contacting the organisers - Bérénice, Malvika and Yo. (team@openlifesci.org).

To report an issue involving one of the members, please email one of the members individually (berenice@openlifesci.org, malvika@openlifesci.org, yo@openlifesci.org).

All reports will be handled with discretion. In your report please include:

  • Your contact information.

  • Names (real, nicknames, or pseudonyms) of any individuals involved. If there are additional witnesses, please include them as well. Your account of what occurred, and if you believe the incident is ongoing. If there is a publicly available record (e.g. a mailing list archive or a public IRC logger), please include a link.

  • Any additional information that may be helpful.

After filing a report, a representative will contact you personally, review the incident, follow up with any additional questions, and make a decision as to how to respond. If the person who is harassing you is part of the response team, they will recuse themselves from handling your incident. If the complaint originates from a member of the response team, it will be handled by a different member of the response team. We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse.

Attribution & Acknowledgements

This code of conduct is based on the Open Code of Conduct from the TODOGroup.